Welcome visitors to our Boquete Valley of Flowers community website!
Generally, visitors who make their way to our website are individuals researching Panama as a possible location to live or they have already relocated to Panama and are exploring communities in which to reside.
Boquete Valley of Flowers is primarily an expat community of retirees who have come from all over the world to make Panama their home. Some of our expats plan to stay long term, while others stay for a period of time and leave to explore other countries. For some, they live here part-time and have other homes internationally where they spend the remainder of the year.
While you are here on our community website, check out these unsecured pages where you will find valuable information and links to resources.
About Boquete
Our Community
Our Location
Our Dog Park
Our Flora
Our Birds
Resources Directory
Available Condos
Photo Gallery - Our Community
Photo Gallery - Our Landscaping & Gardens
Our Boquete Valley of Flowers community are condominiums, which are in high demand, and occasionally one will become available. If you are looking for a condominium and you would like to live in our desirable community, check with a local real estate agent or our Available Condos page on this website for listings.
Image by Rick Hobbs